Day time emergency reporting


We provide quick reporting of emergency scans within 30 minutes to assist you with uninterrupted patient management.

Cross Sectional Imaging


Cross-sectional imaging is a noninvasive radiology technique that produces images of the body in cross-section. It uses advanced imaging techniques to help diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions.

Conventional Radiology


Conventional radiology, also known as plain radiography or projectional radiography, is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses X-rays to create two-dimensional images of the body’s tissues and structures.

MRI & CT Scan reporting


With our team of qualified radiologist, we ensure dedicated subspecialist reporting with regards to cardiac imaging, neuro imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, trauma imaging, GI and hepatobiliary imaging. etc.

Second opinion


We keep our arms open to help millions of people who seek second opinion for their reports.

3D reconstruction

We can provide high resolution 3D reconstruction images and videos of bony anatomy, tumor relations, vessels imaging and angiographies, giving our doctors a clear picture of the concerned area so as to help in appropriate management decisions.

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